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    Proven Solutions For Production Farms

    On farms across the nation, and in laboratory testing, the crop nutrition solutions provided by Crop Performance have led to notable increases in yield and quality.

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    Higher Return Through Advanced Agronomics

    Carbon-based chelation and complexing, combined with advanced formulations of fertilization nutrients makes Crop Performance products uniquely qualified to maximize plant productivity.

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    Sustainable Crop Production

    Environmentally-responsible products, emphasizing low inputs, is only the beginning. True sustainability also means cost-effectiveness and crop response that justifies your fertilizer investment. We deliver on all counts.

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Specialty Fertilizer

GCO Inc. provides specialty fertilizer that have been designed to maximize agricultural plant production. Our solutions are developed to achieve each plant’s genetic potential through ultra-low inputs that have high impact.

We believe you will be impressed with the results possible through the state-of-the-art biochemical and agronomic technologies represented in GCO Inc. solutions!