The Most Efficient Carbon Source Available!
Microbial activity in the soil is a critical aspect to e cient plant uptake of nutrients and ultimately, optimum crop growth and yields.
As the basic building block of all life forms, Carbon, all crops – in any growing environment – will benefit from an e ective application that includes plant-available nutrients. Humic acids, in conjunction with long and short carbon chains, act as chelating agents to increase Nitrogen e ciency. This, in turn, allows for lower nutrient inputs.
Catalyst Carbons will help you grow more robust crops, and increase the efficiency of low-input nutrients.
Enhances Beneficial Soil Microbial Activity
The short and long chain carbons within Catalyst Carbons provide the “food” that microbes seek out within the root zone. The dramatically short life cycle of microbes dictates that a reliable blend of available carbon is necessary within the growing environment.
Allows For Greater Nitrogen Efficiency
Catalyst Carbons allows for lower overall Nitrogen inputs, which is not only more cost-e cient, but also reduces the risk of nutrient run-o into ground and surface water.
Provides Plant-Available Nutrition
The unique formulation of plant-available carbon and protein nutrients in Catalyst Carbons are vital for maximizing plant growth potential.
David Zuberer, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University said, “Without a doubt, the most important limiting factor for microbial growth in soil (assuming moisture is adequate) is the abundance of available organic carbon sources.”
While there are many Humic sources on the market, Catalyst Carbons is unique, with a carefully balanced blend of short and long chain carbons, along with proteins that are readily taken in by the plant for growth.
For greater soil structure, enhanced microbial activity and increased Nitrogen e ciency, Catalyst Carbons is your best choice.